Course opening soon!

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Love your Selfie

This is a course for HSP women and empaths, who struggle with self esteem. Learn to love and express yourself unapologetically in this easy to follow, light hearted, 7 day online course.

Sign up for more info!

Join Love your Selfie now and help me make this world a happier place.


Do you rather take care of others than yourself? Do you believe you are not that interesting? Do you feel uncomfortable when you get attention?

Then this course is right for you

"I believe that every woman has the right to be very happy"

Marion van Dam, happiness teacher / international bestselling author / hypnotherapist

Course opening soon!

Sign up to receive more information about the Love your Selfie course

Stop sabotaging yourself and start shining today!

Because the world needs your beautiful light

"I always tried to be invisible, because I believed nobody was interested in me. But thanks to Marion's coaching I now understand I have unique talents. It would be selfish not to share my light with others. "

Administrative Assistant

50% Complete

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