The Happiness Highway


Let me take you for a ride on the Happiness Highway


Listen to the Happiness Highway

#3 Camera Shy?

In this episode of the Happiness Highway, Marion van Dam tells about the start of her career as a professional photographer in Amsterdam. It turned out to be the start of her coaching career too, as most women were very insecure posing in front of the camera. Also they would be ashamed of how they looked, now matter how beautiful the portraits were. Do you love your selfie?

Learn more about Love your Selfie

# 2 Valentine's Day

Will Valentines Day be an other disappointment? The longing to be seen, to be acknowledged and to be loved is universal. I learned this from an old man in a refugee camp.

But nobody else than you, can love and understand you fully.

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Love your Selfie

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"I believe that every woman has the right to be very happy"

Marion van Dam, happiness teacher / international bestselling author / hypnotherapist

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